New orientations toward purpose
How do I create a better sense of orientation and find footing in a new reality? This example is an exploration of purpose in a new context. This process can also be helpful for people who are experiencing a change in their lives that offers a moment to examine one's historical purpose, and how it might evolve. It includes exploring the relationship of purpose with one’s unique value, capacities, and a resource that supports navigating the unknown.
Case background
Ellen* supported her husband through school until he graduated and landed an amazing job. The shift brought new freedoms and consistency in her life knowing how her partner would be supported. Opening up to new possibilities also meant showing up for herself in new ways and moving out of survival mode.
Newly in this transition, she wanted to establish a way of orienting to her next phase and clarify a direction and how to move forward. We designed an inquiry and elements to support her in connecting to her sense of unique value and the general landscape of her current experience.
* Name changed for privacy
During a 2-hour session, we designed the inquiry and I guided her through an exploratory sensing journey of each element. See here for more information about the explorative sensing journey.
Insights from a systems-sensing exercise will be unique for each individual. For Ellen, a key learning was to create and prioritize physical space and time for herself. Moving out of survival mode and her current coping strategies, meant developing the capacity to see herself fully. This included acknowledging her efforts, especially when things go well, and celebrating wins, big or small. Acknowledging herself allowed her to feel more centered and present, creating more orientation for her progress toward her goals and her sense of connection to purpose.
Leadership capacities cultivated:
Relating to ourselves, each other, and the wider context we are part of
Being open, curious, and receptive to new/other perspectives
Being grounded, rooted, and centered, in one’s space. ie. I can take up my space and connect with the wider context.
Being present and acknowledging what is
Guiding question
What is important to know now to be in alignment with my purpose?
By capacity we refer to the ability to perceive, feel, and receive, and from there enter into relationships with the world around us, including both tangible and subtle aspects.
The element “unknown” is not yet known or named. Creating a placeholder for something unknown allows space for new information to emerge.